LILY’s NATURALS was started out of a desire to have more natural products in our lives. It all began with our love for Coconut Oil. As our love and knowledge of coconut oil grew, so did our desire to use additional natural products. This led to a search for a moisturizing lotion incorporating coconut oil as a base.
As someone with Hashimoto’s disease, dry skin is a chronic problem and finding a great moisturizing lotion that lasts an even greater one. What started out as something meant for our own personal use has given birth to Lily’s Naturals.
If you share a desire to know and be able to pronounce every ingredient in your lotion, you will love Lily’s Naturals products. After all, our skin is the largest organ we have, and what we put on it gets absorbed into our body. Do you really want chemicals or hard-to-pronounce ingredients being absorbed into your body?
People are exposed to pollutants that damage their skin on a daily basis, and we don’t believe that the solution to chemicals is more chemicals.
Come join the family, and pamper yourself with our luxurious, all-natural products.
Lily’s Naturals would like to acknowledge the contributions of some or all of the following photographers who have contributed to our site:
From Stock Exchange:
mishahu, pyong, rwetzlmayr, ta2m, carloszk, GiniMiniGi, fcolosso, pirshulet, paks, hisks, jaz1111, ale_paiva, john_swed, elehrke, Mike Serfas, catalin82, ugaldew, Genkaku, alvarjuan, stylesr1, aschaeffer, sokyo, atburn, lockstockb
From WikiPedia:
Itineranttrader, Valérie75, John Delano, Tangopaso, Aleksa Lukic, Everglades National Park
From Flickr:
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